

来日後初の運動会を経験したALTの先生の感想紹介 (2)

既に何回かこのトピックスでお知らせしましたように、2018年度二学期からJETプログラム(The Japan Exchange and Teaching Programme)のALT(Assistant Language Teacher)の先生が2名、英国よりいらっしゃっています。

St. Hilda’s Sports Festival

On Wednesday May 15th 2019, St. Hilda’s held their annual Sports Day at the Todoroki Arena. I was really excited to attend as it was my first time experiencing a Japanese school’s sports day. I started the day by talking to some students about which event they were looking forward to the most, their response was the ‘big pants’ race. At first, I was quite confused by the explanation of the race but later, after watching it take place, I was really amused and it became one of my favourite events of the day.

Another event that I really enjoyed were the dances by each year group. I was impressed by the music choices and choreography of each group and I thought that the support given to the other year groups was very touching. The supportive atmosphere and cheering from the spectators and parents overall was not only heart-warming but also exciting.

I thoroughly enjoyed my time watching sports day and witnessing the spectacular events take place. Well done to all of the students, and congratulations to the sixth year students for winning!
